• Where has Nouveau Potato been? Being vegetarian in Latin America.

I’m back!!  Well, back to the English speaking world at least.  My goodness, what an experience it was travelling through Latin America.  With distinct cultures, amazing landscapes and beautiful people, it was an enjoyable education.  Already I want to go back and do it all over again.  Instead, I am reliving the experiences by posting here.  The food, oh the food!  Some of it was fantastic, some of it, not so good.

Wow! Such amazing places.

Eating highlights:
  • Fruit salads in Bolivia
  • Mangos and avocados in Colombia
  • Picking and eating tropical fruits while walking through the Colca Canyon...ok, so I like fruit.
  • Hot chocolate in Antigua
  • Vegetarian restaurants in Buenos Aires and Mexico City

And the lowlights?
  • Ice-cream in La Paz – it looked great but had no flavour and a cone like paper.  The worst thing about it was feeling completely sick the next day and having to take a 9 hour bus trip.
  • Having food spiked with meat despite explaining I was vegetarian.  No.  Being vegetarian does not mean I eat chicken.
  • Getting robbed in Brazil – this related to eating as I had an even stricter budget.

I hope you are inspired to visit the Americas as I translate all my notes and post them here.  And if you want any tips about what to see and do, or where to go, stay or dance, feel free to comment below or send me a note at nouveaupotato@gmail.com.

Restaurants (more to come as I get through all my notes)
Rio de Janeiro:  Café da EAV do Parque Lage , BB Lanches, Yalla, Felice, Vegetariano Social Clube, Braz
Salvador de Bahia: Solar Café at the MAMParaiso TropicalCozinha Natural Ramma
Sao Paulo: Brasil a GostoFigueira RuberatRaizes

Buenos Aires: Rotiseria Vegetariana, Origen, Pride Cafe

Puerto Natales: La Mesita Grande, El Living