• Black is the New White - Play by Nakkiah Lui

It’s a few days before Christmas and Charlotte Gibson  is in a pickle. She hates her job, pines for meaning and has discovered her father lied. But it ain’t all bad. She has met a man who she loves and is about to introduce him to her parents. But there's a problem: he’s white.

Black is the New White is a hilarious farce that shows relatable family dynamics, exaggerated personal woes and that love remains even when reality is worse than your feared expectations.
Grappling with themes of class, race, and family loyalty, this play will challenge your perceptions while you tear up with laughter.

We saw a preview, just before opening night. The cast immediately had us in the living room of the summer holiday house. The characters are all flawed. They are also, somehow, charming. Staring Tony Briggs, Luke Carrol, Tuuli Narke, Melodie Reynolds-Diarra, Vanessa Downing, Geoff Morrell, Tom Stokes, Anthony Taufa and Miranda Tapsell, as the drama continued each actor got more and more into their character until we were all part of the family.

Written by the talented Nakkiah Lui, and directed by Paige Rattray, this would have to be the best play I have seen this year. Love, faith, ambition, anger, frustration, hopelessness and yearning, are all part of the plot. But most of all, it is entertainment. Art is always subjective, but all of our party loved this play.

Black is the New White is showing at the Sumner Theatre until 9 November.

Black is the New White
Melbourne Theatre Company
Showing from 9 October to 9 November 2019
Tickets available online