• Natvia and Secret Garden Event

I’m a natural girl.  I like full cream milk, pasta with gluten and real sugar.  Unsurprisingly I was sceptical about a non-sugar sweetener.  Assured Natvia is natural I was intrigued and attended their cocktail party at Secret Garden last Friday.  Cocktails, cupcakes and finger food were all served free of added sugar.

Cupcakes by Clean Cooking

Food by Secret Garden
Natvia founder, Sam Tew, is passionate about his product.  Do I know what is in artificial sweeteners?  Do I know how bad they are?  Natvia, on the other hand, is made from the natural as anything stevia plant which is sweeter than sugar.  And how does Natvia taste?  Sweet.  We enjoyed several cocktails – a raspberry one, one with lemon and Vietnamese mint, one with banana, coconut milk and chocolate.  All were sweetened with Natvia.  All cocktails are now available at Secret Garden Bar for a limited time.

Banana with chocolate, coconut milk, spiced rum and Natvia (of course).

Raspberry refresher.
It was a fun evening.  And without the sugar highs of a usual night out, I was up early the next morning and feeling great.

Faceboook: www.facebook.com/natvianaturalsweetener
Website: www.natvia.com.au 

Clean Cooking
Gluten, sugar and dairy free

Secret Garden
60 Fitzroy Street 
St Kilda 3182
03 8598 9000

Secret Garden on Urbanspoon